Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ASDP Nau 2008 Report

Organization name: Agency Support Development Process Nau

Project name: Fair access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation via
community mobilization in Northern Tajikistan

Date of report
Reporting period:
01/01/08 –27/01/08

1. General Information

Table1. Provide any changes that occurred in the general data of your organization.

Name Organization
Agency Support Development Processes Nau
20-34 Lenin St., Khujand city,
Telephone numbers
(992 3422)60362, 45320
Email address
Name director
Akramov Mamurkhon
Names of contact persons
Akramov Mamurkhon, Kayumov Jamshed
Bank details

Name as on bank account
ASDP Nau, acc. 20206840700454000000

BIC or SWIFT code
EJSATJ22, Acc. 0103516415

Name of the bank
OJSC “Bank Eskhata”

Address of the bank
Gagarin street-135, Khujand, Tajikistan


Khujand, Tajikistan

2. Project overview
Table 2. Give an overview of the project.

2.1 Project name
Fair access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation via community mobilization in Northern Tajikistan
2.2 Contract signed on
2.3 Project duration
01/01/08 -31/12/08
2.4 Region of implementation
Spitamen and J. Rasulov districts
2.5 Target population
Schoolchildren, teachers, rural population
2.6 Instalments paid to date

2.7 Total budget
48 967 €

Project summary
Give a short summary of your project, including planned results, and the special objective of your project. Write a maximum of 15-30 lines.

The given project contemplates to provide a fair access to a pure drinking water and assist in creation of safe sanitary hygienic conditions in the target communities of the Sogd region of the Republic of Tajikistan through:

1) increasing the awareness level of communities in the sphere of sanitation and hygiene: applying the alternative approaches in community mobilization: PHAST & BEHAVIOR (informing, mobilization, planning, trainings, exchange visits);
2) implementing a number of infrastructural projects on modifying the sanitary situation through introduction of alternative technologies (ecological sanitation, in particular, ecotoilets with a urine separation mechanism) as well as the projects on providing a pure drinking water;
3) dissemination of experience on applying new technologies and promotion of approaches based on community participation in solving the problems with regard to sanitation and access to a safe water at the local, regional and national levels.

3. Report on execution of the project

3.1 Could the planned activities be implemented, could the aims be reached? Note and explain differences to the planning. To what extent have the planned outputs been produced?

All planned actions of the project for 2008 have successfully been realized. Below in the point 3.6 in the table see obtained results in 2008. During the meetings people have got information about WECF and ASDP organizations, about the aims and tasks of the project «Fair access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation via community mobilization in Northern Tajikistan» and that the project is financially supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is carried out in cooperation with Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), Netherlands.
There have been held 2 meetings at the Hukumat level in Spitamen and J.Rasulov districts in which the chairmen of Hukumats of the districts as well as their deputies who are in charge of construction issues, chief architects, chief physician of Sanitary Epidemiological Department took part.
Together with the representatives of target districts the monitoring of the construction work was
conducted. According to the results of costs monitoring together with the community representatives
the purchase of construction materials and deep pumps were accomplished. As a result of joint work
three parties agreement was signed between ASDP Nau, target Jamoat representatives and MC.
There were conducted 32 seminars and trainings on proper use of eco toilets and correct storage of pure water in home conditions. The process of construction work of eco toilet in Spitamen districts was monitored. Engineer on construction work Dadabaev proposed his recommendations concerning construction process. In August water supply projects were put into operation in target districts – in Spitamen district: villages of Langar and Tagoyak, in Jabbar Rasulov district: villages Chirchik and Yangi. Representatives from local administration as well as WECF Shorukova Farida and Fedke Gero participated in opening of the project sites.
There was organized tender to approve projects in targeted villages with the aim of rehabilitation of water supply facilities and school eco toilet construction. Based on existing criteria for project selection 7 projects for water supply facility reconstruction and 3 projects for school eco toilets were selected. In cooperation with local school and community representatives price monitoring for construction materials was conducted and required amount of construction materials was bought for eco toilet construction. Also program for schoolchildren concerning using eco toilet was developed.

3.2 Outcome: To what extent has the project reached its special project objective?

Presently, the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the communities do not meet standards due to what there are much infectious diseases among the population. The communities are ready to contribute to the improvement of the existed situation.
Open sources of drinking water (hauzes, aryks, canals, etc.) are being frequently used for drinking and household needs by the local communities. Unfortunately, these sources could also spread infectious diseases.

The project tries to alter the communities behavior by providing trainings according to PHAST methodology. And now during the monitoring we observed positive influence of the trainings. The trainees independently are planning to construct eco toilets in the households and use urine and faeces for their land plots as a fertilizer. The target community comprehended the benefits of eco toilets. They get information that urine and faeces are leaking from pit latrines into soil and groundwater. It must be stressed that the depth of underground water starts from 4m till 17 meters and it is the dangerous source of some diseases. A massive (hashar) labour works were organized in the villages, where the population cleaned out and fenced their water pools from livestock.

3.3 Which inputs where provided? To what extent have the planned inputs been supplied?
Inputs are any contributions to the project which are not in the project budget, be they in cash or in kind. Examples: worktime contribution, material contributions, discounts (on services).

It was drawn out the action acceptance statement which contains information on all contributions made by community during construction work. Hukumat of the target region also promoted schools during building the ecotoilet. Hukumat has provided with the necessary equipments as their contribution. Local community have contributed to the project site construction the following resources:
1) sand
2) gravel
3) wood boards
4) labour input (service of the constructors, who reconstructed water project sites, fitter, electricians
5) warm food
During reconstruction of water facilities and construction of school eco toilet community contribution to the project was from 20 % to 30%. The whole construction work related to reconstruction of water facilities was fulfilled with efforts of target community.

3.4 Sustainability: To what extent will the results of the project be sustainable?

Local authorities in the district and Jamoat representatives are keen to take part in the joint project implementation. Mahalla Committees took part in project implementation and contributed to project realization as well. As a result of the joint work triple agreement on join project realization and treaty of receiving the grant was signed between ASDP Nau, target Jamoat representatives and Mahalla Comittee. This method of work is one of ways of community mobilization to solve their problems. Target community was closely involved in realization of the project and it was stability of the project in the future, they will protect and conduct monitoring of the constructed object to ensure future sustainability of their own project sites. After project implementation the units are given under governing the local management structures, special funds are created and regularly the funds will increase in order to repair and recover the units. Local authorities recommend and disseminate to increase practice of using new approach in other non target communities. There were formed Parent’s Committees in the target schools which in the future will assist to school by creating fund for eco toilet maintenance. The school staff participated in all seminars and trainings where they get information (booklets, brochures, hand out materials) on benefits and correct of using of ecotoilets. Now teachers and schoolchildren who participated in the trainings can conduct ToT and seminars concerning dry toilet for other new schoolchildren or for those who didn’t take part in the capacity building activities..
It is significant, that mentality modification should be entailing the restoration of the water-supplies and lavatories which achieves by realization of infrastructural projects. Working out and realization of infrastructural projects should become the responsibility of communities – in this, there is a basis of sustainability and efficiency of created or restored objects and realized projects.
It is important to mention that the target community takes an active part during the implementation of this project in 2008. In some target Jamoats of Spitamen region some households showed their interests to build eco-toilets for their own money means.

3.5 Note positive and negative aspects, difficulties met, and solutions realized or envisaged.

The positive aspects are the desire of inhabitants of target areas to cooperate with the project and solve the existing problems and local authorities (Hukumat at district and Jamoat level) support to implement the project successfully. The only difficult process was setting and proceeding legal documentation.

3.6 Note quantifiable outputs and results in tables: e.g. nr. of target group reached, nr. of toilets built, nr. of users

Expected results according to logframe (3 year) (indicators)

Obtained results for the period covered (indicators)

6570 people will have an access to safe drinking water—14 units.
The safe sanitary and hygienic conditions will be provided for 3500 people children and adults, and toiltets on household and schools—11 units

18490 people have an access to safe drinking water -7 units.
3 school ecotoilets are built, 1428 school children, adults and teachers use it.
10 formed initiative groups, 40 representatives of MCs, 15 representatives of Jamoats have some skills and successfully put them into practice: approaches on social mobilization on the basis of PHAST & BEHAVIOR, Village Development Plan, Project Development, infrastructural projects monitoring and management, the ecotoilets technologies and further usage of wastes in the form of organic fertilizer in farm lands.

4 initiative groups are formed, 15 representatives of MCs, 6 representatives of Jamoats have some skills and successfully put them into practice: approaches on social mobilization on the basis of PHAST & BEHAVIOR, Village Development Plan, Project Development, infrastructural projects monitoring and management, the ecotoilets technologies and further usage of wastes in the form of organic fertilizer in farm lands.

The community has realized 10 infrastructural projects (ecotoilets and units of a safe water-supply). The input of the community came to 20%.

The community has realized 10 infrastructural projects (3 ecotoilets and 7 units of a safe water-supply). The input of the community came from 20 % to 30%.

The projects were selected on the competitive basis; the management has been implementing by IG and MC and the monitoring by the tender commission and relevant surroundings such as: SES, local authorities

Before selecting social site projects there was survey conducted in the target region involving representatives of community, Jamoats, Mahalla Committees and other social groups. Further, the tender commission was created under Jamoat and were selected neutral persons from the different target villages, representatives from SES and local authorities who could assess fairly proposed projects by the community. The Tender Commission has looked through many social projects and selected the most priority proposal for the construction of the new eco-toilets.
It is thought-out and introduced the sustainable strategy of installed units. MC and initiative group follow (monitoring) of the using units, collect funds from community for repair and rehabilitation

For further project sustainability leaders of MC and initiative groups collect funds from community for current repair and rehabilitation of units in the future, follow (monitoring) of the using unitsd

The ecotoilet technologies will be widely spread among the local and international NGOs, national and local authorities. The promotion of approaches is realized by community mobilization PHAST to resolve the sanitary problems and increase and change the awareness and mentality of the population.
The ecotoilet technologies widely spread among the local and international NGOs, national and local authorities. The promotion of approaches is realized by community mobilization PHAST to resolve the sanitary problems and increase and change the awareness and mentality of the population.
The awareness level of the population in the field of sanitation and hygiene will be increased for 40% in comparison with a prior project level.
Awareness level of the population in the field of sanitation and hygiene increased via participation women and girls in trainings, informational meetings, infrastructural projects design about 50% of participants e. t. c.
Resolve the sanitary problems and increase and change the awareness and mentality of the men and women (level of understanding sanitation mentality reasons in health problem, level of using sanitary units, resources, approaches, share the plans of sanitary activities

10 information seminars have been provided to 10 target communities. 300 people have participated in them.

6 information seminars have been provided 118 people have participated in them
10 target communities there has been made a participatory evaluation of the sanitary situation and the level of access to safe drinking water.
The population of 8 kishlaks are questioned on sanitation and hygiene issue. 152 persons partook in survey 84 of them are women and 68 are men.
There also have been conducted 8 focus groups on issues regarding sanitation, hygiene and the level of access to safe drinking water in which 57 persons participated.

30 trainings on 7 topics have been provided. 600 people have participated in them. By project staff, advisors with closely participation of teachers, care takers, children, villagers etc.)

Organized and provided 32 trainings, 645 people participated. The participants of trainings were teachers, care takers, children, villagers, representatives of Jamoats and MC, etc.)

In 10 target communities there have been provided consultations on development of infrastructural projects: ecotoilets – 5 projects, the safe water-supply units – 5 projects.

In 10 target communities there have been provided consultations on development of infrastructural projects: ecotoilets – 3 projects, the safe water-supply units – 7 projects
3 articles about the project have been published in the local and regional mass media. The semi-annual and annual reports on Jamoats have been submitted to 2 SES and participated in one meeting of the SES. There has been given information to local and regional bodies of executive authority.

2 articles about the project have been published in the local and regional mass media. There has been given information to Administration of Justice to the regional body of executive authority and 1 report to Spitamen SES and Jamoat.

10 information boards are installed. It is published and distributed 100 information posters and 200 booklets
6 information and analytical materials on the project have been published in the newsletter.
3 information boards are installed in the schools where dry toilets are built, 50 information posters and 100 booklets are published and distributed
7 publications of articles about the project and its progress in the newsletter “Development, First steps”.

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